Here's what’s open in McLaren Vale and Fleurieu Coast today. A great way to support local. 


Vale Brewing's South Australian Harvest: A Culinary Celebration of Local Excellence

Fri 9th May 2025
6:00pm - 10:00pm


Gather at Vale Restaurant and Bar for a dinner highlighting South Australian excellence. Meet the producers behind premium ingredients including Mayura Station wagyu, Monapilla Estate lamb, Spencer Gulf kingfish, Grandax blue swimmer crab and Choice mushrooms set to feature in the meal.

Savour a true culinary celebration across five decadent courses paired with beverages from a selection of standout labels, among them Beresford Wines, Bickfords, 23rd Street Distillery and of course, Vale Brewing.


  128 Ingoldby Road, Mclaren Flat, South Australia, 5171

2025-05-09 18:00:00 2025-05-09 22:00:00